Last Minute St. Patrick's Day ideas?

Looking for last-minute inspired looks on what to wear for St.Patrick's day? or are you just a lover of all things green?

Our latest collection of St Patricks Day socks and legwear is perfect for you. Whether you're going all-out in a full green fit or going a bit more subtle, we have a range of green socks and legwear that will pair perfectly with your outfit of choice. Read more to find out.

Power-Fit Mid-Calf Socks

The Power Fit socks are a staple! crafted with a luxorious cotton blend that is breathable and stretchy. The vibrant colour makes it ideal to style with a full green outfit or with cream coloured bottoms and white shirt for the more sophisticated look.

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Plain Crew Socks

Looking for a comfy fit for St.Patricks Day? our cotton plain socks pair nicely with trainers, low boots and smart shoes for an effortless look. The rich cotton blend with leave your feet feeling dry and fresh. 

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100% Cotton Rib Mid-Calf Socks

Our classy cotton socks are perfect for work and after work when out celebrating St.Patrick's day. The deep green shade, shines perfectly whether in the sunshine or at night. Crafted with a premium cotton blend and also customisable with embroidery!

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Premium Colour Tights 80D M

Our premium colour tights are available in multiple green shades, including Green Tea which looks gorgeous with an all green look for St.Patrick's Day or paired with different colours. The 80D design is thick and warm making it perfect for the cool weather.

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Organic CO Twisted Yarn Rib Crew Socks


These ECO socks aren't just for the occasion but will be a staple for all looks this Spring and Summer. The twisted yarn creates a snug and stylish fit on your feet and keeps them warm at night. 

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