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A colourful splash of Tie-Dye combined with eloquently crafted cotton socks

We specialise in creating and revolutionising daily wear. With our simple and classic pieces that elevate your footwear staples.

Tie-Dye Ribbed Crew Socks

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Tie-Dye Coin Dots Crew Socks

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Chromatic Ripple: Inspired Tie-Dye Collection

Our tie-dye socks are crafted through a sustainable process that prioritises environmental responsibility at every step.

We begin by sourcing high-quality, eco-friendly materials, ensuring that our socks are not only comfortable but also gentle on the planet.

Check the collection

Tricolour Tie-Dye Crew Socks

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Tie-Dye Top Line Crew Socks

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Tie-Dye Soft Crew Socks

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Discover our Tie Dye Collection - made with our innovative materials and production techniques
without compromising in comfort and design.